Purchasing older items, estate sale items, things you inherited but maybe dont want, etc.
Entire collections or single items.
- Silver faced stereo receivers/amps: Marantz, Sansui, Pioneer, Mcintosh
- Turntables
- Speakers: JBL
- Toys - GI Joe, Star Wars, Transformers, Redline Hotwheels, older toys
- Clocks
- Vintage watches and jewelry
- Vintage Vinyl records - rock, jazz, blues, punk, rap
- Old Firarms
- Old Military Items
- Furniture - retro, unique looking - chairs, tables, sofas, bedroom sets, lamps, art
- Pre 1980s Sports Cards
- Comics - Super hero, less an 25 cents
- Hamms beer signs/items, other vintage beer advertising
- Old Neon Clocks
- Old Porcelain signs
- Vintage Gas and Oil items
- Decor - Swag lights from the 60s and 70s
- Old Bicycles - Schwinn Stingrays, etc.
Good examples of what I typically purchase can be seen at my Instagram page:
Feel free to message me with details and pictures of what you have.
Open on condition of items.
Pay fair cash offer and will come to you.